Friday, February 8, 2013

Merry Christmas

Grandpa Harlan sent me this last week and I just had to share, so Adorable!  Savannah and Trevor are so talented and sweet to create this for their Grandpa and Deann!  Thanks for sharing your love.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Conference Weekend

 We started off at Thad and Mara's and Elle gave me a tour of the garden.  Then, Mara and Jacob found the perfect watermelon for  Lauren to pick for dinner.

I am loving the new camera, I could catch all the kids smooth moves on the Trampoline.

Dinner was great and afterwards we got to go see Michael and Sharlan's lot for their new home that is being built close by, they will break ground soon!

Attending Conference was incredible, we were there for the exciting announcement about the lowering of the age to serve missions. We are so grateful for all the tickets that came together so we could attend, even sitting together as a group!

Sunday morning before we headed up to Aunt Rebekah's to watch conference, we picked our Halloween Pumpkin's and can't wait to carve them.  Then at Rebekah's we spread out,  ate a lot of Gummie Bears and played Conference Bingo. We attended the last session of Conference dropped Richard off at the Airport and went to Rob & Kara's for dinner and fun!


The night wrapped up with a cold game outside of Cornhole and then Scrabble in the living room.

 Thanks for a great weekend, 
lot's of fun, memories and cupcakes!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Summer is over, on the road again

 Moving day finally came but I didn't cry, I was too busy laughing!  The Boys video on "earthquakes happen even in Reno" was the best part!
Best Bishop Ever, Bishop Streadbeck, and now I know where Bailey gets her mean muggin' skills from... Her Dad!

Bike Ride to the top!
Cutie Pies!

Large crowd for a small job, what a wonderful ward family!

A whole summer of fun was had with these and the backyard behind it
Best Summer Vacation ever, now back to Reno!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Angels Game

We enjoyed the game and were surrounded by Detroit Fans, Pretty Fun to win

Richard's Vendor got us some great seats!

Beautiful California Sunset

Being down here for Kelly's wedding it was a busy weekend for them, glad they had a chance to hang out!

Family Blog is Here

I have created a Blog for us to share our pictures and videos. Enjoy!